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How can my child do his or her best during testing?


  • If  your child takes medication, make sure that it has been taken according to instructions on the day of testing. If you (or your child) have not taken them as prescribed, please tell me.

  • If your child’s physical condition or emotional state is somehow compromised on the day of testing, please inform the examiner. For example: feeling under the weather; taking medication that would make one drowsy; a poor night’s sleep prior; a death in the family, etc. These types of things can affect performance on some of the tests used for psychological evaluations.

  • Get a good night’s sleep prior to testing. Being sleepy during testing can affect overall concentration on timed tasks in particular.

  • Eat well before testing. It is also fine to bring a snack if testing is going to last for a prolonged period of time.

  • Take breaks when offered and ask for breaks if needed. Testing can feel tiresome.  Breaks are a good time to eat a snack, use the restroom, or jump on the exercise ball.

How can I explain the testing process to prepare my child?

Many children may wonder why they are having these tests and if there is something wrong with them. Listen to your child’s concerns and feelings about the evaluation and answer your child’s questions as straightforwardly as possible. It is helpful to be reassuring to your child.

Most importantly, the goal in preparation is to help your child be as comfortable, relaxed and motivated as possible the day of testing. In explaining to your child why he/she is being tested:

  • Emphasize that the testing is not because the child has been bad.

  • Offer reassurance that the information gathered from the evaluation will help you and other people better understand his/her experiences, what kinds of things he/she has been having trouble with and what types of things he or she is really good or not so good at doing.

Explain that psychological testing is not unusual and other children participate in testing, too.
Proper preparation will help your child do his/her best, allow for a pleasant testing experience and help the examiner gather the most reliable results possible.


What can I expect during my first session?


During the initial intake session I will meet you to gain a complete and thorough history and evaluation of areas of concern, needs, and goals for treatment. During the initial session, we will discuss family history, child's developmental history, current behaviors and symptoms, and my treatment approaches and techniques.


For evaluations, we will discuss goals, evaluation techniques used, what to expect during testing, and how I can help you communicate results to any other providers you would like (pediatrician, school, etc).


For therapy, we will discuss a treatment plan and specific recommendations regarding recommended therapeutic interventions, home based interventions for parents to work on, and any further evaluations or referrals which may be needed.


I may make referrals for additional services if necessary including neurology, psychiatry, psychological, medical, speech, or occupational therapy.  At this time, questions will be answered, suggestions for further reading material may be given. A child behavior checklist may be given for parents to fill out to establish a baseline for data collection. Therapy progress will be recorded via parent report, therapist observation, client self report, and sometimes data collection with these checklists.

What can I expect from the psychoeducational evaluations?


Psychoeducational evaluation sessions typically last between 1 to 1 ½ hours per session, for 3-6 sessions.



We will discuss details at your initial intake session including activities and tests and an estimate of the length of the testing session. I will accommodate your needs and your schedule.



What hours are available?


I am currently accepting new clients and can work with you to accommodate your busy schedule. I have daily morning hours including Friday available for psychoeducational testing sessions, afternoon and early evening hours available for remedial help, and morning or evening hours available for consultations and meetings. Please call to arrange a time that works for you and your family.



Schedule a consultation:

Tel. 054-2544-924


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